16 dplyr


16.0.1 Example Data

Import the example data. This data represents benthic macroinvertebrate data collected in the littoral zone of Onondaga, Otisco, and Cazenovia lakes

taxa.df <- file.path("data",
                     "zms_thesis-macro_2017-06-18.csv") %>% 
  read.csv(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

DT::datatable(taxa.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
env.df <- file.path("data",
                     "zms_thesis-env_2017-06-18.csv") %>% 
  read.csv(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

DT::datatable(env.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))

16.0.2 Rename

In the example below, the columns lat and long are renamed to latitude and longitude, respectively. If names(taxa.df) is called, elements 5 and 6 are now represented by “latitude” and “longitude”, respectively.

taxa.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  rename(latitude = lat,
         longitude = long)

##  [1] "unique_id"     "lake"          "station_id"    "sample_number"
##  [5] "latitude"      "longitude"     "agency_code"   "method"       
##  [9] "date"          "count"         "life_stage"    "final_id"     
## [13] "taxon_level"   "phylum"        "subphylum"     "class"        
## [17] "subclass"      "order"         "suborder"      "family"       
## [21] "subfamily"     "tribe"         "genus"         "species"      
## [25] "picked"        "squares"

16.0.3 Filter

In the example below, taxa.df is subset to only include rows where the unique_id column matches the string “caz_1_1”.

filter.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(unique_id == "caz_1_1")

DT::datatable(filter.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))

You can apply multiple filters separate by commas. The filters are applied from the top down. In the example below, two filters are applied within the filter() call:

  1. unique_id == "caz_1_1"
  2. order %in% c("ephemeroptera", "trichoptera")

The first logical statement is the same as the filter from the code chunk above, which keeps only rows associated with the sample “caz_1_1”. Then, the order column is subset the data to only include rows represented by ephemeroptera (mayfly) or trichoptera (caddisfly) taxa.

filter.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(unique_id == "caz_1_1",
         order %in% c("ephemeroptera", "trichoptera"))

DT::datatable(filter.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))

16.0.4 Select

Often we are not interested in all columns in a data frame. select() can be used to subset the columns to only include columns of interest. In the example below, the filter.df data frame, created in the Filter section, is subset to only include three columns: 1) final_id, count, and unique_id.

select.df <- filter.df %>% 
  select(unique_id, final_id, count)

unique_id final_id count
caz_1_1 baetidae 1
caz_1_1 caenis 14
caz_1_1 agraylea 1
caz_1_1 oxyethira 2
caz_1_1 hydroptilidae 1

The same operation can be performed by chaining the functions together with the pipe operator. taxa.df is first filtered to only include rows that meet our specified logical statements and then only the columns unique_id, final_id, and count are retained.

select.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id == "caz_1_1",
         order %in% c("ephemeroptera", "trichoptera")) %>% 
  select(unique_id, final_id, count)

unique_id final_id count
caz_1_1 baetidae 1
caz_1_1 caenis 14
caz_1_1 agraylea 1
caz_1_1 oxyethira 2
caz_1_1 hydroptilidae 1

Reorder columns. Maybe you would prefer to see the columns in the following order:

  1. final_id
  2. unique_id
  3. count
reorder.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id == "caz_1_1",
         order %in% c("ephemeroptera", "trichoptera")) %>% 
  select(final_id, unique_id, count)

final_id unique_id count
baetidae caz_1_1 1
caenis caz_1_1 14
agraylea caz_1_1 1
oxyethira caz_1_1 2
hydroptilidae caz_1_1 1 everything

For example, maybe we want to see the first three columns reordered but the remaining columns to remain in the same order. Without everything(), we would need to specify each column in the select() call. With everything(), we can specify the first three columns to be lake, station_id, and sample_number followed by everything(). The columns will then be reordered accordingly (lake, station_id, sample_number, unique_id, etc.).

reorder.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id == "caz_1_1",
         order %in% c("ephemeroptera", "trichoptera")) %>% 
  select(lake, station_id, sample_number, everything())

DT::datatable(reorder.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))

16.0.5 distinct

After performing a subsetting columns with select(), it may be beneficial to subsequently run distinct() to remove any duplicate rows.

Maybe we are just interested in viewing basic sample information such as lake, station_id, and sample_number. If select() is performed to subset the data frame to only represent these columns, then there will be many duplicate rows. The reason for this is in the original taxa.df data frame there are multiple taxa observed per sample. lake, station_id, and sample_number are associated accordingly with the taxa, and therefore lake, station_id, and sample_number are represented many times.

nondistinct.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  select(lake, station_id, sample_number)

              options = list(columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:3))))

distinct() will remove the duplicate rows present in the output above. This is a very simple call, which requires no input.

distinct.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  select(lake, station_id, sample_number) %>% 

              options = list(columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:3))))

16.0.6 mutate

In the example below, I use the select() and distinct() combination from the distinct section and then filter the data frame to only include rows where lake equals “caz”. The distinct() call has insured that each row is unique but there is not a single column that could be used to uniquely identify a given sample. Using mutate() we can create a new column, called new_id, that concatenates the station_id and sample_number columns into a single value separated by an underscore (paste(station_id, sample_number, sep = "_")).

mutate.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  select(lake, station_id, sample_number) %>% 
  distinct() %>%
  filter(lake == "caz") %>% 
  mutate(new_id = paste(station_id, sample_number,
                        sep = "_"))

              options = list(columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:4))))

Maybe a second type of unique identifier is wanted for certain subsequent processes. mutate() allows for the creation of one or more columns within a single call. In the example below, new_id is created as it was in the example above but is followed by the creation of date_id. date_id is created by concatenating new_id and date columns. Therefore, a single mutate() call has created two new columns. Additionally, we can see that columns created downstream (date_id) can reference columns created upstream (new_id) within the mutate() call.

mutate.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  select(lake, station_id, sample_number, date) %>% 
  distinct() %>%
  filter(lake == "caz") %>% 
  mutate(new_id = paste(station_id, sample_number,
                        sep = "_"),
         date_id = paste(new_id, date,
                         sep = "_"))

              options = list(columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:6))))

16.0.7 group_by

Calling group_by() will aggregate the data by the column(s) specified but alone will not alter the content of the data frame.

group.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id %in% c("caz_1_1", "caz_1_2")) %>% 
  select(unique_id, final_id, count) %>% 

unique_id final_id count
caz_1_1 physa 1
caz_1_1 gyraulus 1
caz_1_1 bezzia 5
caz_1_1 mallochohelea 7
caz_1_1 chironomus 1
caz_1_1 dicrotendipes 3
caz_1_1 paratanytarsus 34
caz_1_1 cricotopus 1
caz_1_1 psectrocladius 5
caz_1_1 thienemanniella 4
caz_1_1 krenopelopia 9
caz_1_1 procladius 1
caz_1_1 hemerodromia 1
caz_1_1 baetidae 1
caz_1_1 caenis 14
caz_1_1 acentria 1
caz_1_1 enallagma 1
caz_1_1 agraylea 1
caz_1_1 oxyethira 2
caz_1_1 hydroptilidae 1
caz_1_1 gammarus 2
caz_1_1 hyalella 14
caz_1_1 caecidotea 2
caz_1_2 amnicola_grana 2
caz_1_2 physa 27
caz_1_2 gyraulus_parvus 1
caz_1_2 helisoma_anceps 2
caz_1_2 promenetus_exacuous 5
caz_1_2 valvata 1
caz_1_2 bezzia 9
caz_1_2 mallochohelea 2
caz_1_2 chironomus 5
caz_1_2 dicrotendipes 4
caz_1_2 microtendipes 1
caz_1_2 polypedilum 2
caz_1_2 pseudochironomus 1
caz_1_2 rheotanytarsus 2
caz_1_2 thienemanniella 1
caz_1_2 ablabesmyia 5
caz_1_2 callibaetis 1
caz_1_2 caenis 1
caz_1_2 caenidae 2
caz_1_2 acentria 1
caz_1_2 mystacides 2
caz_1_2 gammarus 1
caz_1_2 hyalella 13
caz_1_2 caecidotea 9

The image below shows “under the hood”" information about group.df from the Environment Tab before and after the group_by() call is made. We do not need to focus on the details associated with this “under the hood” information but this way we can view the change made by the group_by() call; unlike the table shown above, which does not provided any indication that the data has been aggregated.

We can follow group_by() by a mutate() call to calculate a single value per group. Each group variable is replicated for each row within a group. In the example below, we are aggregating by two unique_ids (group_by(unique_id); “caz_1_1” and “caz_1_2”) and finding the total number of organisms identified within each group (mutate(total = sum(count))). The sum() function returns one number per group. mutate() then replicates this one number for all rows within a group.

group.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id %in% c("caz_1_1", "caz_1_2")) %>% 
  select(unique_id, final_id, count) %>% 
  group_by(unique_id) %>% 
  mutate(total = sum(count))

unique_id final_id count total
caz_1_1 physa 1 112
caz_1_1 gyraulus 1 112
caz_1_1 bezzia 5 112
caz_1_1 mallochohelea 7 112
caz_1_1 chironomus 1 112
caz_1_1 dicrotendipes 3 112
caz_1_1 paratanytarsus 34 112
caz_1_1 cricotopus 1 112
caz_1_1 psectrocladius 5 112
caz_1_1 thienemanniella 4 112
caz_1_1 krenopelopia 9 112
caz_1_1 procladius 1 112
caz_1_1 hemerodromia 1 112
caz_1_1 baetidae 1 112
caz_1_1 caenis 14 112
caz_1_1 acentria 1 112
caz_1_1 enallagma 1 112
caz_1_1 agraylea 1 112
caz_1_1 oxyethira 2 112
caz_1_1 hydroptilidae 1 112
caz_1_1 gammarus 2 112
caz_1_1 hyalella 14 112
caz_1_1 caecidotea 2 112
caz_1_2 amnicola_grana 2 100
caz_1_2 physa 27 100
caz_1_2 gyraulus_parvus 1 100
caz_1_2 helisoma_anceps 2 100
caz_1_2 promenetus_exacuous 5 100
caz_1_2 valvata 1 100
caz_1_2 bezzia 9 100
caz_1_2 mallochohelea 2 100
caz_1_2 chironomus 5 100
caz_1_2 dicrotendipes 4 100
caz_1_2 microtendipes 1 100
caz_1_2 polypedilum 2 100
caz_1_2 pseudochironomus 1 100
caz_1_2 rheotanytarsus 2 100
caz_1_2 thienemanniella 1 100
caz_1_2 ablabesmyia 5 100
caz_1_2 callibaetis 1 100
caz_1_2 caenis 1 100
caz_1_2 caenidae 2 100
caz_1_2 acentria 1 100
caz_1_2 mystacides 2 100
caz_1_2 gammarus 1 100
caz_1_2 hyalella 13 100
caz_1_2 caecidotea 9 100

This example can be taken one step further to calculate relative abundance (i.e., the percentage of the sample represented by each taxon) by adding percent = count / total * 100 to the mutate() call.

group.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id %in% c("caz_1_1", "caz_1_2")) %>% 
  select(unique_id, final_id, count) %>% 
  group_by(unique_id) %>% 
  mutate(total = sum(count),
         percent = count / total * 100)

unique_id final_id count total percent
caz_1_1 physa 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 gyraulus 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 bezzia 5 112 4.4642857
caz_1_1 mallochohelea 7 112 6.2500000
caz_1_1 chironomus 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 dicrotendipes 3 112 2.6785714
caz_1_1 paratanytarsus 34 112 30.3571429
caz_1_1 cricotopus 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 psectrocladius 5 112 4.4642857
caz_1_1 thienemanniella 4 112 3.5714286
caz_1_1 krenopelopia 9 112 8.0357143
caz_1_1 procladius 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 hemerodromia 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 baetidae 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 caenis 14 112 12.5000000
caz_1_1 acentria 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 enallagma 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 agraylea 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 oxyethira 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_1 hydroptilidae 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 gammarus 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_1 hyalella 14 112 12.5000000
caz_1_1 caecidotea 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_2 amnicola_grana 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 physa 27 100 27.0000000
caz_1_2 gyraulus_parvus 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 helisoma_anceps 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 promenetus_exacuous 5 100 5.0000000
caz_1_2 valvata 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 bezzia 9 100 9.0000000
caz_1_2 mallochohelea 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 chironomus 5 100 5.0000000
caz_1_2 dicrotendipes 4 100 4.0000000
caz_1_2 microtendipes 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 polypedilum 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 pseudochironomus 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 rheotanytarsus 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 thienemanniella 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 ablabesmyia 5 100 5.0000000
caz_1_2 callibaetis 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 caenis 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 caenidae 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 acentria 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 mystacides 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 gammarus 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 hyalella 13 100 13.0000000
caz_1_2 caecidotea 9 100 9.0000000 ungroup

Once the calculations that required aggregation (i.e., group_by()) are complete, make sure to remove the aggregation from the data frame using ungroup(). If you forget to do this, R will continue to try to apply the aggregation to future calculations, which will most likely be inappropriate. Generally, you will eventually get an error message if you forget to use ungroup().

ungroup.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id %in% c("caz_1_1", "caz_1_2")) %>% 
  select(unique_id, final_id, count) %>% 
  group_by(unique_id) %>% 
  mutate(total = sum(count),
         percent = count / total * 100) %>% 

unique_id final_id count total percent
caz_1_1 physa 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 gyraulus 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 bezzia 5 112 4.4642857
caz_1_1 mallochohelea 7 112 6.2500000
caz_1_1 chironomus 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 dicrotendipes 3 112 2.6785714
caz_1_1 paratanytarsus 34 112 30.3571429
caz_1_1 cricotopus 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 psectrocladius 5 112 4.4642857
caz_1_1 thienemanniella 4 112 3.5714286
caz_1_1 krenopelopia 9 112 8.0357143
caz_1_1 procladius 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 hemerodromia 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 baetidae 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 caenis 14 112 12.5000000
caz_1_1 acentria 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 enallagma 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 agraylea 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 oxyethira 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_1 hydroptilidae 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 gammarus 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_1 hyalella 14 112 12.5000000
caz_1_1 caecidotea 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_2 amnicola_grana 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 physa 27 100 27.0000000
caz_1_2 gyraulus_parvus 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 helisoma_anceps 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 promenetus_exacuous 5 100 5.0000000
caz_1_2 valvata 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 bezzia 9 100 9.0000000
caz_1_2 mallochohelea 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 chironomus 5 100 5.0000000
caz_1_2 dicrotendipes 4 100 4.0000000
caz_1_2 microtendipes 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 polypedilum 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 pseudochironomus 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 rheotanytarsus 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 thienemanniella 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 ablabesmyia 5 100 5.0000000
caz_1_2 callibaetis 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 caenis 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 caenidae 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 acentria 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 mystacides 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 gammarus 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 hyalella 13 100 13.0000000
caz_1_2 caecidotea 9 100 9.0000000

The image below shows “under the hood”" information about ungroup.df from the Environment Tab before and after the ungroup() call is made. We do not need to focus on the details associated with this “under the hood” information but this way we can view the change made by the ungroup() call; unlike the table shown above, which does not provided any indication that the data has been unaggregated.

16.0.8 summarize

  • Definition: creates or overwrites columns but only retains columns specified in group_by() and the column(s) created in the summarize() call. This function requires group_by() to be called in advance.
  • Link: https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference/summarise.html

In the group_by example, we calculated the percentage of the sample comprised by each final_id taxon. final_id represents the highest taxonomic resolution for which these taxa were identified; therefore, each row represented a unique taxon.

What if we want to explore these samples at a lower resolution? In the example below, the taxa are represented at the order-level. The percent calculations are correct but, in many cases, the same taxon is represented more than once. This is a poor representation of the data. summarize() can help us solve this issue in the subsequent code chunks.

sub.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id %in% c("caz_1_1", "caz_1_2")) %>% 
  select(unique_id, order, count) %>% 
  group_by(unique_id)  %>% 
  mutate(total = sum(count),
         percent = count / total * 100) %>% 

unique_id order count total percent
caz_1_1 basommatophora 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 basommatophora 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 diptera 5 112 4.4642857
caz_1_1 diptera 7 112 6.2500000
caz_1_1 diptera 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 diptera 3 112 2.6785714
caz_1_1 diptera 34 112 30.3571429
caz_1_1 diptera 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 diptera 5 112 4.4642857
caz_1_1 diptera 4 112 3.5714286
caz_1_1 diptera 9 112 8.0357143
caz_1_1 diptera 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 diptera 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 ephemeroptera 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 ephemeroptera 14 112 12.5000000
caz_1_1 lepidoptera 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 odonata 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 trichoptera 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 trichoptera 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_1 trichoptera 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 amphipoda 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_1 amphipoda 14 112 12.5000000
caz_1_1 isopoda 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_2 neotaenioglossa 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 basommatophora 27 100 27.0000000
caz_1_2 basommatophora 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 basommatophora 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 basommatophora 5 100 5.0000000
caz_1_2 heterostropha 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 9 100 9.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 5 100 5.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 4 100 4.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 5 100 5.0000000
caz_1_2 ephemeroptera 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 ephemeroptera 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 ephemeroptera 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 lepidoptera 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 trichoptera 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 amphipoda 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 amphipoda 13 100 13.0000000
caz_1_2 isopoda 9 100 9.0000000

The most intuitive way to solve this problem, to sum the counts by unique and order columns before calculating the percentages, which can be down with a combination of group_by() and summarize().

  1. Apply group_by() to the unique_id and order columns.
    • group_by(unique_id, order)
  2. Use summarize() in the same way mutate() was applied in the mutate section. In this case, the count will be overwritten by the sum of the counts aggregated by the unique_id and order columns.
    • summarize(count = sum(count))
  3. Use ungroup() to remove the groupings created with group_by().

In the table output, we can see that each taxon, order, is only represented once per sample, unique_id.

summarize.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id %in% c("caz_1_1", "caz_1_2")) %>% 
  select(unique_id, order, count) %>% 
  group_by(unique_id, order) %>% 
  summarize(count = sum(count)) %>% 

unique_id order count
caz_1_1 amphipoda 16
caz_1_1 basommatophora 2
caz_1_1 diptera 71
caz_1_1 ephemeroptera 15
caz_1_1 isopoda 2
caz_1_1 lepidoptera 1
caz_1_1 odonata 1
caz_1_1 trichoptera 4
caz_1_2 amphipoda 14
caz_1_2 basommatophora 35
caz_1_2 diptera 32
caz_1_2 ephemeroptera 4
caz_1_2 heterostropha 1
caz_1_2 isopoda 9
caz_1_2 lepidoptera 1
caz_1_2 neotaenioglossa 2
caz_1_2 trichoptera 2

To calculate the percentage of each order, apply the group_by(), mutate(), and ungroup() combination from the group_by section.

summarize.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id %in% c("caz_1_1", "caz_1_2")) %>% 
  select(unique_id, order, count) %>% 
  group_by(unique_id, order) %>% 
  summarize(count = sum(count)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  group_by(unique_id) %>% 
  mutate(total = sum(count),
         percent = count / total * 100) %>% 

unique_id order count total percent
caz_1_1 amphipoda 16 112 14.2857143
caz_1_1 basommatophora 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_1 diptera 71 112 63.3928571
caz_1_1 ephemeroptera 15 112 13.3928571
caz_1_1 isopoda 2 112 1.7857143
caz_1_1 lepidoptera 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 odonata 1 112 0.8928571
caz_1_1 trichoptera 4 112 3.5714286
caz_1_2 amphipoda 14 100 14.0000000
caz_1_2 basommatophora 35 100 35.0000000
caz_1_2 diptera 32 100 32.0000000
caz_1_2 ephemeroptera 4 100 4.0000000
caz_1_2 heterostropha 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 isopoda 9 100 9.0000000
caz_1_2 lepidoptera 1 100 1.0000000
caz_1_2 neotaenioglossa 2 100 2.0000000
caz_1_2 trichoptera 2 100 2.0000000

The previous code chunk works but it is getting very long. Long code chunks make it harder for your future self or others to interpret and can make it harder to find/troubleshoot bugs. Better practice would be to break the previous code chunk into 2-3 sub-tasks.

The following code chunk into 3 sub-tasks, which should make it easier to follow process and allow us to observe the data after each sub-task is executed.

Explanation of sub-tasks below:

  1. caz1.df: reduce the data frame down to only the rows and columns of interest. In this case, we are only interested in the two replicates from Cazenovia Lake site 1; therefore, I named the data frame caz1.df to describe the data represented within the data frame.
  2. order.df: summarize the taxonomic counts by the sample, unique_id, and taxonomic rank, order.
  3. percent.df: calculate the percentage of each sample, unique_id, represented by each taxon, order.
caz1.df <- taxa.df %>%
  filter(unique_id %in% c("caz_1_1", "caz_1_2")) %>% 
  select(unique_id, order, count)

order.df <- caz1.df %>% 
  group_by(unique_id, order) %>% 
  summarize(count = sum(count)) %>% 

percent.df <- order.df %>% 
  group_by(unique_id) %>% 
  mutate(total = sum(count),
         percent = count / total * 100) %>% 

16.0.9 Joins

  • Link: https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference/join.html
  • Definition: Combine two data sets by common features. “a” and “b” will be used in the descriptions below to represent two data sets.
  • left_join Join only rows in “b” that have a match in “a”
  • right_join Join only rows in “a” that have a match in “b”
  • full_join Join all rows from “a” with all rows from “b”
  • inner_join Join only rows that are present in both “a” and “b”
  • semi_join Keep only rows in “a” that are found in “b”
    • “b” is not actually joined with “a”
    • This is more like a filter
    • Opposite of an anti_join()
  • anti_join Keep only rows in “a” that are NOT found in “b”
    • “b” is not actually joined with “a”
    • This is more like a filter
    • Opposite of an semi_join() left_join

left.df <- left_join(taxa.df, env.df, by = "unique_id")

DT::datatable(left.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) right_join

right.df <- right_join(taxa.df, env.df, by = "unique_id")

DT::datatable(right.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) full_join

full.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(lake == "onon") %>% 
  full_join(env.df, by = "unique_id")

DT::datatable(full.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) inner_join

full.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(lake == "onon") %>% 
  inner_join(env.df, by = "unique_id")

DT::datatable(full.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) semi_join

semi.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(lake == "onon") %>% 
  semi_join(env.df, by = "unique_id")

DT::datatable(semi.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) anti_join

sub.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(lake == "onon")

anti.df <- anti_join(env.df, sub.df, by = "unique_id")

DT::datatable(anti.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) nest_join

nest.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(lake == "onon") %>% 
  nest_join(env.df, by = "unique_id")

DT::datatable(nest.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))

16.0.10 Bind bind_rows

To show how bind_rows() work, let’s first split taxa.df into three data frames representing the three lakes in the data set.

onon.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(lake == "onon")

otis.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(lake == "ot")

caz.df <- taxa.df %>% 
  filter(lake == "caz")

If we wanted to combine these data frames back into one data frame, we can call all of them within bind_rows(). Generally, you want to have matching column headers; however, bind_rows() will recognize columns that are unique to one data frame and add them into the appended data frame. The data frame(s) that did not contain this column will have NA as the values in this column.

bind.df <- bind_rows(onon.df, otis.df, caz.df)

DT::datatable(bind.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) bind_cols

bind_cols() is similar to bind_rows() but instead appends columns. I rarely find use for this function becuase in general I would prefer a [Join].

Let’s extract the taxonomic hierarchy information from onon.df and store it as a data frame object called hier.df.

hier.df <- onon.df %>% 

DT::datatable(hier.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))

Let’s extract the taxonomic count information from onon.df and store it as a data frame object called count.df.

count.df <- onon.df %>% 
  select(unique_id, final_id, count)

DT::datatable(count.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))

hier.df and count.df have the same number of rows, and therefore the columns can be appended together with bind_cols()

bind.df <- bind_cols(count.df, hier.df)

DT::datatable(bind.df, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))