9 Relative Abundance (%) Metrics
Generally, abundance metrics are better represented on a normalized scale. Calculating the relative abundance (percentage) of a subset metrics should provide a more robust measure than raw abundance measures.
pct.df <- nest.df %>%
pct_ephemeroptera = taxa_pct(.dataframe = .,
.key_col = uid,
.counts_col = total,
.filter = order %in% "ephemeroptera",
.unnest_col = data),
pct_ept = taxa_pct(.dataframe = .,
.key_col = uid,
.counts_col = total,
.filter = order %in% c("ephemeroptera",
.unnest_col = data),
pct_shred = taxa_pct(.dataframe = .,
.key_col = uid,
.counts_col = total,
.filter = grepl("sh", ffg),
.unnest_col = data)