8 Diversity Metrics
Diversity metric in general combine the measure of taxonomic evenness and taxonomic richness.
A number of diversity metrics can be calculated using taxa_div()
- Shannon-Wiener Diversity (“shannon”)
- Simpson’s Diversity (“simpson”)
- Margalef’s Diversity (“margalef”)
- Menhinick’s Diversity (“menhinick”)
- Pielou Evenness (“pielou”)
8.1 Community Diversity
div.df <- nest.df %>%
shannon_genus = taxa_div(.dataframe = .,
.key_col = uid,
.counts_col = total,
.group_col = genus,
.job = "shannon",
.base_log = 2,
.unnest_col = data),
simpson_genus = taxa_div(.dataframe = .,
.key_col = uid,
.counts_col = total,
.group_col = genus,
.job = "simpson",
.unnest_col = data),
margalef_genus = taxa_div(.dataframe = .,
.key_col = uid,
.counts_col = total,
.group_col = genus,
.job = "margalef",
.unnest_col = data),
menhinick_genus = taxa_div(.dataframe = .,
.key_col = uid,
.counts_col = total,
.group_col = genus,
.job = "menhinick",
.unnest_col = data),
pielou_genus = taxa_div(.dataframe = .,
.key_col = uid,
.counts_col = total,
.group_col = genus,
.job = "pielou",
.unnest_col = data)