A dataset containing the benthic macroinvertebrates collected in the Northern Appalachians as part of the 2008-2009 National Rivers and Streams Assessment conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
A data frame with 13,609 rows and 16 variables:
Unique site visit ID
Site identification code
Impact designations for use in indicator development for NRSA
Taxanomic name at the target hierarchical taxonomic level
Total number of individuals counted
Phylum of taxon
Class of taxon
Order of taxon
Family of taxon
Subfamily of taxon
Tribe of taxon
Genus of taxon
Macroinvertebrate functional feeding group used in metric calculations; Collector-filterer (CF), Collector-gatherer (CG), Parasite (PA), Piercer (PI), Scraper (SC), and Shredder (SH)
Habit used in metric calculations; Burrower (BU), Climber (CB), Clinger (CN), Diver (DV), Planktonic(PK), Skater (SK), Sprawler (SP), and Swimmer (SW)
Pollution tolerance value as assigned for NWSA
Voltinism as assigned by USGS